Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So, this is my blog for the 5 months that I’ll be in the country of Spain (and various other places in Europe for vacation) to study. I hope you all enjoy! Please comment on anything you have questions/comments about and I’ll do my best to tend to them.

I arrived January 6 in Madrid for my orientation. We’re here until Sunday, January 10 to sight-see and get acquainted with being in Spain. Our hotel is Hotel Asturias, which is right in the center of Madrid’s business district and much of its historical area. Most of the roads are brick, which is really beautiful, and the shops are close together and very ancient-looking.

The hotel is quaint and very “European,” in that the colors are dank and the marble floors give it a classic feel. Stepping outside is a challenge in itself because there are so many pedestrians – many more than Philadelphia, even. Madrid is becoming known for its public transportation system, which is expanding quickly these days.

For the last two days, we've been sightseeing around Madrid. Yesterday we went to the northern-most suburb of Madrid to the house of Phillip II, the Mausoleum.

Every king of Spain was buried there! It was amazing to see. The architecture was unlike anything I've ever seen -- each and every room of the house was completely different and totally unique. Then we went to the Valley of the Fallen Soldiers, which has a huge cross up in the mountain that you can see from almost anywhere in Madrid. Needless to say, it was amazing to see up close!

There's also a castle at the very top of the mountain, which we got a very good view of on our way there from the bus:

And the mountains outside were beautiful!

Today, we went to The Royal Palace, which is more or less the Spanish Embassy. It's where all of the official political receptions are held, and it's where King Charles III and Charles IV lived. It's amazing -- like The Mausloeum, every single room is different. One was made completely of porcelain! I've never seen anything like it. Unfortunately, they didn't allow any photography inside, so I couldn't get any pictures. However, I do recommend that you all check out some photos online!

More writing and more photos tomorrow -- I'm tired!

Buenos noches,

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